
Your coaching application has been approved!

SIDE NOTE: If you’re in a hurry to get started and are in need to make money as soon as tomorrow, I strongly recommend you check out this video, Alex has an amazing story!

Richard Mortimer


Congratulations on securing your position!

This is truly going to be life-changing for you and unlike anything you have ever seen.

Like you, I’ve bought my fair share of “magic software,” jumped around from product to product and have been spammed to death from other marketers claiming the next big thing…

It took for me to clamp down and find an actual system that worked before seeing any success online, and that’s what I’ll be teaching you over the next couple of weeks.

I can’t promise you fancy cars and million dollar homes because it is up to you take the the training and resources I give you seriously and put it into the action.

According to CNN Money, 8.2 million households in the US alone had a net worth exceeding one million dollars.

That’s 7% of all American households.

What are the 7% doing that you’re not? What makes them special?

It’s simple – they knew exactly what to do and they executed it!

They had a plan, a goal, and they did everything it took to make it a reality…

My job is show you exactly how it’s done and give you the plan to follow.

If you can cut out all of the distractions and focus solely on what I’ll be teaching, I can get you there!

But again, you have to be want it and be willing to put in the required “work” to make it happen.

So if you’re ready… Welcome aboard and I’ll see you in your inbox!

Talk soon,

Richard Mortimer

PS: I really can’t recommend this course enough.

Alex is one of the good guys and has got hundreds of his students out of desperate financial situations through his training.

He was also on the verge of being homeless himself at one point, now he’s an Internet millionaire.

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